jdbc - Java framework to manage BLOB data outside of database -

i want store blobs outside of database in files, random blobs of data , aren't directly linked file.

so example have table called data following columns:

id name comments ... 

i can't include column called filelink or because blob raw data. want store outside of database. love create file called 3.dat 3 id number row entry. thing setup main folder start have large number of files id flat folder structure , there os file issues. , no data not grouped or structured, it's 1 massive list.

is there java framework or library allow me store , manage blobs can myblobapi.saveblob(id, data); , myblobapi.getblob(id) , on? in other words file io handled me?

simply use appropriate database implements blobs described, , use jdbc. not looking api specific implementation. it's db take care of effective storing of blobs.


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