java - Setting Clipboard from non-ui thread -

issue: can't set clipboard non-ui background thread

how go around setting clipboard while app in background?

public class messages {      public void setmessage(string text) {         if (build.version.sdk_int < build.version_codes.honeycomb) {             clipboardmanager clipboard = (clipboardmanager) getsystemservice(context.clipboard_service);             clipboard.settext(text);         } else {             android.content.clipboardmanager clipboard = (android.content.clipboardmanager) getsystemservice(context.clipboard_service);             clipdata clip = clipdata.newplaintext("newclip", text);                             clipboard.setprimaryclip(clip);         }     } } 

error: cannot resolve getsystemservice(java.lang.string)

i tried multiple things solve issue, 1 of them is:

configuration class

/* made config class file so: */ public final class config {     public static com.dysanix.official.mainactivity maincontext = null; }   /* , put in oncreate of mainactivity: */ config.maincontext = this;   /*  * , using config.maincontext.getsystemservice() in other  * class works, long ui visible on screen..  * tab out, code doesn't work anymore.  */ 

i tried making "runnable" in mainactivity , call class, same issue: works, until tab out of app. calling method looped asynctask, know works because console keeps printing log message @ end of loop.

any appreciated!

error: cannot resolve getsystemservice(java.lang.string)

getsystemservice() method on context. pass context setmessage() method, or move method activity, service, or other context implementation. then, call getsystemservice() on context.

i tried multiple things solve issue, 1 of them is:

do not put activity in static field. not represent memory leak, activity useless once destroyed, anyway.

issue: can't set clipboard non-ui background thread

there nothing related threads here.


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