ios - Accesing function in current center view controller in MMDrawerController -

i want update content on current visible center view controller when selection change in right side bar, left side bar : changes center view right side bar : lists items available, on selection change center view should update content current selection,

created extension class uiviewcontroller function,and overrided function in view controllers, call goes parent viewcontroller function not actual centerview controller , following way trying execute function on right sidebar table view item tap

    let appdel = uiapplication.sharedapplication().delegate as! appdelegate let currentview = appdel.drawercontainer?.centerviewcontroller currentview.processselection(selectedstring) 

this executes function in base class

extension uiviewcontroller {    func processselection(item:string){} } 

and processselection overrideded @ viewcontroller.swift not getting called


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