http - Wireshark showing post parameters in diffrent locations in follow TCP stream window -

im running tests on app , ive stumbled upon odd thing happends when sniff traffic between me , app server using wireshark:

in scenario when im making post request through app's html, looks that: making post request through app's html

but when im requesting same thing using chrome extension "postman", looks that:

enter image description here

why parameters shown @ top of request? mean, changed here?

im trying find clue why working in first option , refuses work on second. thats why need investigate every little thing..


i wrote short html page illustrate , second option happens here well:

... <form action="http://x.x.x.x/page.cgi?id=1726931735&host_name=blah" method="post"> .... 

postman send empty body default, need enable rows of key-value fields them added request. postman not read form on page, parameters must inserted plugin fields. otherwise postman send empty request see.

you need enter fields in body tab in postman:

postman boy tab


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