c++ - Copy constructors with move-only, but cloneable types in member containers -

assume have 2 types, t1 , t2.

t1 isn't important except following facts:

  • it isn't copy constructible
  • it has move constructor
  • we have excellent function signature t1 copy(t1 const& orig), creates copy.

t2 can simplified following class:

// t2.h class t2 { public:     t2() { /* initializes vector */ }     t2(t2 const& other); private:     std::vector<t1> v; }  // t2.cpp  t2::t2(t2 const& other) : ... {} 

how implement method, if write ellipsis part, or global scope?

a simple real world use case - assuming "you can't write between curly braces" part real world restriction:

  • t1 std::unique_ptr<anything>
  • copy std::make_unique
  • anything has copy constructor

i have 2 additional requirements implementation:

  • performance. shouldn't (considerably) slower naive implementation for loop in copy constructor's body.
  • readability. entire point behind question more clear/clean trivial loop (e.g. imagine t2 2 or more member vectors).

and optional, nice have features:

  • something that's generalized other containers
  • something works iterators
  • something that's generic

a clarification: know question trivially solvable std::vector<t1> copy_vec(std::vector<t1> const& orig) global function. placing function anonymous namespace within t2.cpp make local, argue against readability, think wouldn't better loop @ all. , it's bad solution if copy constructor isn't in implementation file inlined in header.

so rephrasing of question is:

  • is there similar implemented, can include?
  • if there none, why? i'm not saying thought every corner case, think possibly can implemented in nice generic way, , unique_ptr, it's common enough case.

nothing wrong naive loop:

v.reserve(other.v.size()); (auto& elem : other.v) {     v.push_back(copy(elem)); } 

that's plenty readable , optimal.

though guess modern, clever solution use range-v3:

t2(t2 const& other) : v(other.v | view::transform(copy)) { }  

i'm not sure that's enough better loop justify additional complexity ymmv.


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