AngularJs multiple select shows unresolved list instead of contents in IE -

i using angularjs bind list of employees mult-select tag. below code:

<select class="form-control" ng-model="event.attendees"         ng-options=" c.fullname c in employees" id="eemployees" multiple style="height:315px !important; -webkit-appearance:listbox !important;">   </select> 

the result displayed correctly in chrome , firefox, in ie shows list of {{c.fullname}}, instead of real names. tried right-click view source in ie (and ie inspector, f12), in source, employee names display correctly.

have here ever ran issue before? have no sense why happened. placed multiple select tag in modal-dialog, matter?

i figured out added $scope.$apply() after angular service pulled list data. needs little delay before binding it. still don't know why situation happened in ie though.


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