scala - Akka 2.4.6 - where is ask (or ?) method? -

i learning play akka , scala.

the akka documentation says can message actor using ? or ask method. there no ? or ask in actorref class in version of akka using (2.4.6).

was moved somewhere or deprecated?

was moved somewhere or deprecated?

no. ? defined implicit def inside asksupport trait , implicit conversion actorref type:

object askpattern {   implicit class askable[t](val ref: actorref[t]) extends anyval {     def ?[u](f: actorref[u] ⇒ t)(implicit timeout: timeout): future[u] = ask(ref, timeout, f) } 

as can see, implicit works actorref, implicit class accepts 1 argument of said type. means ? method applicable actorref via implicit conversion.

as @sergey notes in comments, in order bring implicit in scope, you'll need import akka.pattern.ask


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