python - Removing last character of JSON object -

i'm looking way remove last character of line of json, provided it's not curly brace.

i've whole file of json reason of lines end few spaces , 0. i'm trying remove 0 if appears, or skip line if doesn't.

for example: ignore this:

{"menu": {   "id": "file",   "popup": {     "menuitem": [       {"value": "new", "onclick": "createnewdoc()"},     ]   } }} 

and remove 0 this:

{"menu": {   "id": "file",   "popup": {     "menuitem": [       {"value": "new", "onclick": "createnewdoc()"},     ]   } }} 0 

i've tried using:

line = line.rstrip('0') 

but doesn't seem doing anything.

you can use regular expressions:

import re re.sub(r'0$', '', line) 


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