javascript - Upgrade Cordova Version of an iOS app -

how can transfer cordova ios app 1 pc other? app made in other version of cordova , want upgrade cordova version.

you can follow steps below:

  • in new pc, install latest version of cordova using npm install -g cordova command
  • in new pc, create new cordova project using cordova create project_name command in desired location using terminal
  • now navigate newly create project folder, copy contents of www folder , config.xml file old project in old pc , replace same in newly created project folder.
  • in terminal, navigate project root directory , install required plugins in new project using cordova plugin add plugin_name command
  • after installing required plugins, add ios platform project using cordova platform add ios command
  • now build project using cordova build ios command

you go now. gotta test project once thoroughly plugin may not works expected latest cordova version.


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