java - Traversing nested HashMap in FreeMarker -

i have following data structure need traverse in freemarker

final map<string,map<string,list<person>>> root = fillmap(); 

for simplification imagine sort of taxonomy have “continent”, “country”, “person”, person

class person{   string name;   string id; } 

if want more clarification:

you might perform following operations in java (focus on var names)

map<string,list<person>> countriesforcontinent = root.get(“africa”);  list<person> personsforcountry = countriesforcontinent.get(“kenya”); 

in freemarker, need able list each continent in map; each continent, each country; each country, each person.

my html number of tabs (one per continent) , on each tab, have country section, , in each section list person belonging country.


i having difficulties goes inside list tags. know example root continent not make sense; don't know how fix it.

<#list root continent >   ${continent}   <#list continent country >     ${country}     <#list country person >       ${} ${}     </#>   </#> </#> 

in freemarker templates, can't list map-s, keys (or values). have this:

<#list root?keys continentname>   ${continentname}   <#list root[continentname] country >     ...   </#list> </#list> 


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