filesystems - Unable to do "git add ." -

i able add directory git , git commit strangely, when doing

$ git add . 

i getting following error:

warning: lf replaced crlf in .idea/workspace.xml. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in grails-app/controllers/com/abc/pqr/rep ortcontroller.groovy. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in grails-app/domain/com/abc/pqr/report.g roovy. file have original line endings in working directory. fatal: unable stat '': no such file or directo ry 

i have gone through this answer , if try:

$ git rm 

i error:

fatal: pathspec '' did not match files 

surprisingly there no file on searching through above directory, not find such file described above.

it worth mentioning there file dirname/ in root directory(i.e. file under dirname under root directory). strangely not able delete, issue similar this(i using windows-7 os) , resolve using this.but ever since (accidentaly through buggy grails script) created above file, have not been able `git add .

if not want part of commit, stage changes do want explicitly. example:

$ git add .idea/workspace.xml $ git add grails-app/controllers grails-app/domain ...

the commands above assume not in 1 of named directories. if was, name toplevel directories can , specific when forced.

once have staged changes want git add, can safely commit them git commit.


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