c# - Too many vlc activeX controls on form crashes app -

i have video monitoring app using vs2012 in c# using vlc activex plugin. can embed , watch around 30 videos no issues. once around 35, random crashes. @ 40, crashes immediate. crashes don't give me info, nvidia video driver crashed message. error pops gdi 'parameter not valid' error. rule out problems code, got rid of control items except vlc , problem still occurs.

if run 2 instances on app, each 20 video windows, have no issues.

is limit hitting because of single thread? workaround ideas?

you need more server , memory space more 25 videos in single screen, local machine i7 processor not resolve issue. know vlc best video development kit, , kit can give more video others in single screen low memory , cpu utilization.

best wishes resolve issue asp, , post article if resolve issue


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