arrays - How to show content in div based on json data -

i working on angularjs app has ng-view routes. in object have option of showonhome, show product if value set true , hide if set false.

in nodejs server:

app.get('/cameras/:id', function(req, res){ var cameraid = parseint(; var data = {}; (var i=0, len=cameras.length; i<len; i++){     if(cameras[i].id === cameraid){         data = cameras[i];         break;     } } res.json(data); });  app.get('/cameras', function(req, res){ res.json(cameras); });  var cameras = [                       {                         "id": 1,                         "title": "bvo473n 850tvl ir dome camera",                         "features": [                           "2.0 megapixel cmos image sensor",                           "2 megapixel high definition image quality",                           "minimum illumination of 0.1 lux @ f1.2 , 0 lux ir on",                           "42 units of ir leds ir range of 30m",                           "supports dual streaming",                           "supports mobile surveillance via ios, android, windows mobile, blackberry",                           "supports plug , play - no port forwarding or networking knowledge required",                           "ingress protection rating of ip66",                           "power supply: dc 12v"                         ],                         "picture": "images/cam-look.png",                         "showonhome": true,                       },                       ];   <div class="row" ng-repeat="cam in cameras">             <hr ng-if="!$first" />             <div ng-show="cam.showonhome">                 <div class="col-sm-4 col-sm-push-8">                     <img ng-src="{{cam.picture}}" alt="description"     class="img-responsive" />                 </div>                  <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-pull-4">                     <p class="lead">{{ cam.title }}</p>                     <ul class="specs list-unstyled">                         <li ng-repeat="feature in cam.features">{{ feature     }}</li>                     </ul>                     <strong class="more"><a href="#/product/{{     }}">learn more</a></strong>                 </div>             </div>              </div> 

try bubble ngshow/ngif:

<div class="row" ng-if="cam.showonhome" ng-repeat="cam in cameras"> 

if put inside, outer div still rendered.

also, initialize var cameras (for debug purpose?).
should $scope.cameras access in controller template.


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