mongodb - Using $set to nest value in Meteor using dot notation doesn't work -

i'm having trouble setting nested value in meteor collection. have:

programs.update({ _id: progs[i]._id }, { $set: { "year.roommwk1": room }}); 

my console giving error: "minimongoerror: cannot use part 'roommwk1' traverse c16"

c16 value of current year field. want nest value of roomwk1, '21a', under year field value 'c16'.

not sure i'm going wrong.


current structure of documents is:

{   "_id" : objectid("56ce676c082e64f956411a3c"),   "recordid" : 8514,   "fullname" : "aidan anderson",   "year" : "c16",   "campyear" : "ssipc16",   "week1" : "1",   "week2" : "2",   "week3" : "0",   "week4" : "0",   "week5" : "0",   "week6" : "",   "notes" : "",   "roomaterequest" : "per, ollie, paul b., linus, sam l.",   "lessonrequest" : "",   "arrivalinfo" : "",   "automobile" : 0,   "repertoire" : "bach" } 

the nesting doesn't exist @ moment, need nest 'roomwk1' 'roomwk5' fields under specific year moving forward.

i put current year selector outside mongo. experience mongo doest [i] var currentyear = progs[i]._id

my guess have multiple years , have following nest. {year: {c16: { roomwk1: room }} }

you can use second selector more control. i'm not sure have in document if there 'year' equivalent add selector. way can use $ in $set

var currentyear = progs[i]._id programs.update({_id: currentyear, 'year': 'c16'}, {$set: {'year.$.roomwk1': room}}}


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