jquery - Change opacity of button/s over mouse hover -

i have 4 buttons. trying lighten opacity upon hover.

problem: every time hover, 4 buttons change opacity lighten , 1 button @ time change opacity upon hover.

here's i've tried:

$(document).ready(function() {    $('button').mouseenter(function() {        $('button').fadeto('fast', 1);    });        $('button').mouseleave(function() {        $('button').fadeto('fast', 0.5);    });    }); 

not working

need solutions smart peoples!

you can use $(this)

$(document).ready(function() {     $('button').mouseenter(function() {       $(this).fadeto('fast', 1);     });     $('button').mouseleave(function() {       $(this).fadeto('fast', 0.5);     });        });
button {    background: red  }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  <button id="button1">button1</button>  <button id="button2">button2</button>  <button id="button3">button3</button>  <button id="button4">button4</button>

or can use id on each button , lot more code, still solution.

 $(document).ready(function() {     $('#button1').mouseenter(function() {       $('#button1').fadeto('fast', 1);     });     $('#button1').mouseleave(function() {       $('#button1').fadeto('fast', 0.5);     });     $('#button2').mouseenter(function() {       $('#button2').fadeto('fast', 1);     });     $('#button2').mouseleave(function() {       $('#button2').fadeto('fast', 0.5);     });     $('#button3').mouseenter(function() {       $('#button3').fadeto('fast', 1);     });     $('#button3').mouseleave(function() {       $('#button3').fadeto('fast', 0.5);     });     $('#button4').mouseenter(function() {       $('#button4').fadeto('fast', 1);     });     $('#button4').mouseleave(function() {       $('#button4').fadeto('fast', 0.5);     });   });
button {    background: red  }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  <button id="button1">button1</button>  <button id="button2">button2</button>  <button id="button3">button3</button>  <button id="button4">button4</button>


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