javascript - How to get a value from controller.js file to html file in angularjs -

i have stored value in scope on scope value in html file.


myappcont.controller('listvalue',['$scope','$rootscope','$http', function($scope,$rootscope,$http){        city=$scope.val; }]); 


 <div class="col-md-10" ng-controller="listvalue">  <table class="table table-bordered table-style" id="statustable">   <thead>    <tr>     <th>values</th>    </tr>    </thead>    <tbody class="align-center">     <tr>     <td>{{city}}</td>     </tr>     </tbody>     </table>     </div> 

you need have $scope variable inside controller, other way

myappcont.controller('listvalue',['$scope','$rootscope','$http', function($scope,$rootscope,$http){       $; }]); 

then evaluated , shown in view


working sample


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