javascript - how to do data-bind for complex model knockout -

i newbee knockout, i'm trying move mvc viewmodel binding.

i have complex model:

searchstudentsmodel has 2 properties

  1. collection of students (subset of students)
  2. number of students overall

note length of collection isn't equal number overall.

i need implement search functionality student have regular properties plus isactive indicator. use ul , li tags data-bind details.

the search screen should facilitate user in marking active flag indicator (on , off) , data should saved in database.

all examples referred talk 1 level of model. have searchstudent model , within have collection of students.

how should binding hierarchy of models?

i have refactored jsfiddle. hoping can understand knockoutjs better. not whole page/knockout, think snippet problem can solved.

the markup:

<button id="searchemployees" type="button" data-bind="click: search">search</button>  <li data-bind="foreach: employees"> id: <span data-bind="text: id"></span><br/> name: <span data-bind="text: name"></span><br/> active: <span data-bind="click: toggleactivation, text: isactive"></span> &lt;-- click<br/> </li>  <span data-bind="text: employees().length"></span> of <span data-bind="text: allemployees().length"></span> 

the js/viewmodel

function employee(id, name, isactive){      var self = this;      self.isactive = ko.observable(isactive); = ko.observable(id); = ko.observable(name);      self.toggleactivation = function () {     if(self.isactive() === true)         self.isactive(false);     else         self.isactive(true);     }; }  var searchemployeeviewmodel = function () {      var self = this;      self.employees = ko.observablearray([]);     self.allemployees = ko.observablearray([]); = function () {         //ajax call populate employees - foreach on onsuccess          var employee1 = new employee(2, "jane doe", true);         var employee2 = new employee(3, "kyle doe", false);         var employee3 = new employee(4, "tyra doe", false);          var employee = new employee(1, "john doe", true);          self.allemployees.push(employee);         self.allemployees.push(employee1);         self.allemployees.push(employee2);         self.allemployees.push(employee3);          self.employees.push(employee);     } }  $(document).ready(function () {     ko.applybindings(new searchemployeeviewmodel()); }); 

or can simply use my jsfiddle if not reading code here ;)


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