javascript - getter setter Maximum call stack size exceeded Error -

i trying learn , set in javascript object tried

function ab(n){;};  var c= new ab("abcde");   console.log(c); object.defineproperty(c, 'name', {     get: function() {         return name;     },     set: function(name) { = name;         } });"xyz";   console.log(;  

here first making object using constructor , using , set. getting error "maximum call stack size exceeded". not getting reason of error .

i think has been explained, = name in setter calls again setter, wich leads infinite recursion.

how aproach:

function ab(_name){     object.defineproperty(this, "name", {         //enumerable: true, //maybe?         get: function(){ return _name },         set: function(value){ _name = value }     }); }  var c = new ab("abcde"); console.log(c,; 

or prototypal-approach
downside: private property _name public

function ab(n){ = n; } object.defineproperty(ab.prototype, "name", {     get: function(){ return this._name },     set: function(value){ this._name = value } }); 

or es6
pretty same thing prototypal aproach

class ab{     constructor(n){ = n;     }      name(){ return this._name },     set name(value){ this._name = value } } 


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