HTML Form Values PHP and Spaces -

i working on various projects organization started developer. portion of work involves form processing php.

i rather surprised see many of form values, previous developer used spaces (for example <input type="radio" value="do not enroll" name="proceed" /> ). think know why did - sends email , makes easy display values in human readable format without additional processing, but, used 'typical' programming naming conventions (no spaces, camel case, pascal case, , on), make me little uneasy. whenever have processed html forms , assigned values, believe tried following "typical" variable naming conventions, have habit rather necessary practice.

now, not saying wrong, tried little research on topic , have not reached definite conclusion. question - there wrong including spaces in values assigned html form input elements - particularly when sent on email? if so, complications may result, , there way process them, or recommend keeping actual form values simple (for example, <input type="radio" value="decline" name="proceed" /> , processing them make them more readable after form submitted.

thanks input!

there nothing bad, except real restriction on characters can appear in form control names when form submitted get

"the "get" method restricts form data set values ascii characters.

source 1 | source 2


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