c - thread synchronization for two threads using one semaphore -

i want synchronize threads print 1 20 odd numbers printed thread1 , numbers printed thread2

i achieved 2 semaphores.


1) can achieved using 1 semaphore ?

2) there efficient way achieve ?

if possible please provide example too.

sem_t bin_sem1, bin_sem2; int count = 1;  int main() {     int ret;     pthread_t a_thread, b_thread;      ret = sem_init(&bin_sem1, 0, 1);     if (ret != 0)     {         perror("semaphore1 initialization failed\n");         exit(exit_failure);     }     ret = sem_init(&bin_sem2, 0, 0);     if (ret != 0)     {         perror("semaphore2 initialization failed\n");         exit(exit_failure);     }      ret = pthread_create(&a_thread, null, thread_fun1, null);     if (ret != 0)     {         perror("thread1 creation failed");         exit(exit_failure);     }      ret = pthread_create(&b_thread, null, thread_fun2, null);     if (ret != 0)     {         perror("thread2 creation failed");         exit(exit_failure);     }      printf("waiting threads finish\n");     ret = pthread_join(a_thread, null);     if (ret != 0)     {         perror("thread1 join failed");         exit(exit_failure);     }     printf("thread1 joined");      ret = pthread_join(b_thread, null);     if (ret != 0)     {         perror("thread2 join failed");         exit(exit_failure);     }     printf("thread2 joined");      exit(exit_success); }  void *thread_fun1(void *arg) {     int val=0, val2=0;     while (count < 20)     {         sem_wait(&bin_sem1);         sem_getvalue(&bin_sem1, &val);sem_getvalue(&bin_sem2, &val2);         printf("t 1 : after wait  : sem 1 = %d, sem 2 = %d\n", val, val2);          printf("t 1 : count = %d\n", count++);          sem_post(&bin_sem2);         sem_getvalue(&bin_sem1, &val);sem_getvalue(&bin_sem2, &val2);         printf("t 1 : after post  : sem 1 = %d, sem 2 = %d\n", val, val2);     }     pthread_exit(null); } void *thread_fun2(void *arg) {     int val=0, val2=0;     while (count < 20)     {         sem_wait(&bin_sem2);         sem_getvalue(&bin_sem1, &val);sem_getvalue(&bin_sem2, &val2);         printf("\t\t\t\t\t\tt 2 : after wait  : sem 1 = %d, sem 2 = %d\n", val, val2);          printf("\t\t\t\t\t\tt 2 : count = %d\n", count++);          sem_post(&bin_sem1);         sem_getvalue(&bin_sem1, &val);sem_getvalue(&bin_sem2, &val2);         printf("\t\t\t\t\t\tt 2 : after post  : sem 1 = %d, sem 2 = %d\n", val, val2);     }     pthread_exit(null); } 

well, is possible use 1 semaphore in sort of hacky way. instead of using semaphore mutex, use store actual value , print numbers in thread 2 , odd numbers in thread 1. here example instead of printing 1 20, prints 20 1 can modified if required.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h>  void *a_func(void *arg) {   sem_t *mysem = (sem_t *) arg;   int value = 20;    while (value > 0) {     if (value % 2 == 1) {       printf("thread 1 : %d\n", value);       sem_wait(mysem);     }     sem_getvalue(mysem, &value);   } }  void *b_func(void *arg) {   sem_t *mysem = (sem_t *) arg;   int value = 20;    while (value > 0) {     if (value % 2 == 0) {       printf("thread 2 : %d\n", value);       sem_wait(mysem);     }     sem_getvalue(mysem, &value);   } }  int main() {   sem_t mysem;   pthread_t a_thread, b_thread;    if (sem_init(&mysem, 0, 20)) {     // handle error   }    if (pthread_create(&a_thread, null, a_func, &mysem)) {     // handle error   }    if (pthread_create(&b_thread, null, b_func, &mysem)) {     // handle error   }    // wait threads finish   pthread_join(a_thread, null);   pthread_join(b_thread, null); } 

however, semaphores used in manner , therefore suggest using atomic types instead more modern , perfect usecase. here quick example:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdatomic.h>  void *a_func(void *arg) {   atomic_int *myint = (atomic_int *) arg;   int value = 20;    while (value > 0) {     if (value % 2 == 1) {       //printf("thread 1 : %d\n", value);       value = atomic_fetch_sub(myint, 1) + 1;       continue;     }     value = atomic_load(myint);   } }  void *b_func(void *arg) {   atomic_int *myint = (atomic_int *) arg;   int value = 20;    while (value > 0) {     if (value % 2 == 0) {       //printf("thread 2 : %d\n", value);       value = atomic_fetch_sub(myint, 1) + 1;       continue;     }     value = atomic_load(myint);   } }  int main() {   atomic_int myint = atomic_var_init(20); // set myint 20   pthread_t a_thread, b_thread;    if (pthread_create(&a_thread, null, a_func, &myint)) {     // handle error   }    if (pthread_create(&b_thread, null, b_func, &myint)) {     // handle error   }    // wait threads finish   pthread_join(a_thread, null);   pthread_join(b_thread, null); } 

as performance both single semaphore program , atomic type based program runs faster code provided. however, on scale use numbers in range of 1-20 perforamnce differences negligible.


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