android - Login Error when using library googleplay-api -

i using googleplay-api module download sample android apps research project. in past, use library using gmail account name, password, , android id/google service framework (gsf). few days ago, got error below when ran same code. wondering if else using library gets same problem. in advance.

traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 36, in <module>     api.login(config['google_login'], config['google_password'], config['auth_token'])   file "/users/chihwu/desktop/test/googleplay-api/googleplay_api/", line 179, in login     raise loginerror("server says: " + params["error"]) googleplay_api.googleplay.loginerror: u'server says: unknown_err' 

try login site , open application. you, chance, have "you don't have devices" error message? instead of "this app compatible device".


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