jquery - How to force/guide scrolling to the nearest element only? -

an example of website stellar.js. problem is, using parallax library (scrollmagic) , don't want redo website stellar. how this? (jquery acceptable.)

edit: forgot mention sections full-page.

this lets user scroll , when stops bounces next position.

scrollto($(".start"));      $(document).on('mousewheel ', function(e) {      //e.preventdefault(); /** optional, might want try **/              /** elements bounce to: **/    var $elements = $("div[data-scrollbolock]");         /** next/previous element based on scrolling direction: **/    var $elementtoscrollto = $elements.eq(0);    var scrolldirection = "down";    if (e.originalevent.wheeldelta >= 0) {      scrolldirection = "up";      $elements = $($elements.get().reverse());    }      $elements.each(function() {      var scrolltop = $(window).scrolltop(),        elementoffset = $(this).offset().top,        distance = (elementoffset - scrolltop);      if (scrolldirection === "down") {        if (distance > 0) {          $elementtoscrollto = $(this);          return false;        }      } else {        if (distance < 0) {          $elementtoscrollto = $(this);          return false;        }      }    });          /** scrollto $elementtoscrollto if user stopped scrolling **/    cleartimeout($.data(this, 'scrolltimer'));    $.data(this, 'scrolltimer', settimeout(function() { //user stopped scrolling      scrollto($elementtoscrollto);    }, 80));    });      function scrollto($el) {    $('html,body').animate({      scrolltop: $($el).offset().top    }, 500);  }
div {    height: 200px;    width: 50%;    border-bottom: 2px solid red;  }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>      <div data-scrollbolock>1</div>    <div class="start" data-scrollbolock>2</div>    <div data-scrollbolock>3</div>    <div data-scrollbolock>4</div>    <div data-scrollbolock>5</div>    <div data-scrollbolock>6</div>


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