Forming groups of spatio-temporally near trajectories in R or PostgreSQL -

i'm doing trajectory analysis using r , postgresql. in order form groups of trajectory segments successive positions spatio-temporally near, i've created following table. i'm still missing column group_id, question about.

bike_id1    datetime             bike_id2    near     group_id       1    2016-05-28 11:00:00          2    true            1       1    2016-05-28 11:00:05          2    true            1       1    2016-05-28 11:00:10          2    false          na [...]       2    2016-05-28 11:00:05          3    true            1       2    2016-05-28 11:00:10          3    true            1 

this result of multiple comparisons between each trajectory every other (all combinations without repetitions) , inner join on datetime (sampled on multiple of 5 seconds). shows positions, bike 1 , 2 sampled @ same time , spatially near (some arbitrary threshold).

now i'd give away unique ids segments 2 bikes spatio-temporally near (group_id). this i'm stuck: i'd want group_id respect groups multiple trajectories. method assigning group_id should realize if bike 1 , 2 in group @ 2016-05-28 11:00:05, 3 belongs same group if near 2 @ same timestamp (2016-05-28 11:00:05).

are there tools within r or postgresql me task? running loop through table seems wrong way go this.

edit: @wildplasser pointed out, seems gaps-and-islands problem traditionally solved using sql. has kindly produced sample data have extended , include in question.

create table nearness         -- ( seq serial not null unique -- surrogate conveniance         ( bike1 integer not null         , bike2 integer not null         , stamp timestamp not null         , near boolean         , primary key(bike1,bike2,stamp)         ); insert nearness( bike1,bike2,stamp,near) values  (1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:00', true) ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:05', true) ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:10', true) ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:20', true) -- <<-- gap here ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:25', true) ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:30', false) ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:00', false) ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:05', false) ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:10', true) ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:15', true) ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:20', true) ,(2,3, '2016-05-28 11:00:05', true) -- <<-- bike 1, 2, 3 in 1 grp @ 11:00:05 ,(2,3, '2016-05-28 11:00:10', true) -- <<-- no group here ,(6,7, '2016-05-28 11:00:00', false) ,(6,7, '2016-05-28 11:00:05', false)         ; 

update: [after understanding real question ;-] finding equivalence groups of bikes (set, bike_set) in fact relational-division problem. finding begin , end of segments (clust) within set of bikes same in first attempt.

  • the clusters stored in arrays: (i trust on clusters not becoming large)
  • the array built recursive query: every pair of bikes has 1 member in common current cluster merged it.
  • at end, arrays contain bike_id's happened within reach @ particular time.
  • (plus intermediate rows need suppressed later uniq cte)
  • the rest more-or-less standard gap-detection in time-series.

note: code trusts on (bike2 > bike1). needed keep array sorted , canonical. actual content not guaranteed canonical because order of addition in recursive query cannot guaranteed. may need work.

create table nearness         ( bike1 integer not null         , bike2 integer not null         , stamp timestamp not null         , near boolean         , primary key(bike1,bike2,stamp)         ); insert nearness( bike1,bike2,stamp,near) values  (1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:00', true) ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:05', true) ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:10', true) ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:20', true) -- <<-- gap here ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:25', true) ,(1,2, '2016-05-28 11:00:30', false)    -- <<-- these false-records serve no pupose ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:00', false)    -- <<-- result same without them ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:05', false) ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:10', true) ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:15', true) ,(4,5, '2016-05-28 11:00:20', true) ,(2,3, '2016-05-28 11:00:05', true) -- <<-- bike 1, 2, 3 in 1 grp @ 11:00:05 ,(2,3, '2016-05-28 11:00:10', true) -- <<-- no group here ,(6,7, '2016-05-28 11:00:00', false) ,(6,7, '2016-05-28 11:00:05', false)         ;           -- recursive union-find glue sets of bike_ids         -- ,occuring @ same moment.         -- sets represented {ordered,unique} arrays here recursive wood (         omg (                 select bike1 ,bike2,stamp                 , row_number() over(order bike1,bike2,stamp) seq                 , array[bike1,bike2]::integer[] arr                 nearness n near = true                 )         -- find existing combinations of bikes         select o1.stamp, o1.seq                 , array[o1.bike1,o1.bike2]::integer[] arr         omg o1         union         select o2.stamp, o2.seq -- avoid duplicates inside array                 , case when o2.bike1 = any(w.arr) w.arr || o2.bike2                 else  w.arr || o2.bike1 end arr         omg o2         join wood w                 on o2.stamp = w.stamp , o2.seq > w.seq                 , (o2.bike1 = any(w.arr) or o2.bike2 = any(w.arr))                 , not (o2.bike1 = any(w.arr) , o2.bike2 = any(w.arr))         ) , uniq  (    -- suppress partial sets caused recursive union-find buildup         select * wood w         not exists (select * wood nx                 nx.stamp = w.stamp                 , nx.arr @> w.arr , nx.arr <> w.arr -- contains not equal                  )         ) , xsets (    -- make unique sets of bikes         select distinct arr         -- , min(seq) grp         uniq         group arr         ) , sets (     -- enumerate sets of bikes         select arr         , row_number() on () setnum         xsets         ) , drag (             -- detect beginning , end of segments of consecutive observations         select u.*      -- within constant set of bike_ids         -- edge-detection begin of group         , not exists (select * uniq nx                 nx.arr = u.arr                 , nx.stamp < u.stamp                 , nx.stamp >= u.stamp - '5 sec'::interval                 ) is_first         -- edge-detection end of group         , not exists (select * uniq nx                 nx.arr = u.arr                 , nx.stamp > u.stamp                 , nx.stamp <= u.stamp + '5 sec'::interval                 ) is_last         , row_number() over(order arr,stamp) nseq         uniq u         ) , top ( -- id , groupnum start of group         select nseq         , row_number() on () clust         drag         is_first         ) , bot ( -- id , groupnum end of group         select nseq         , row_number() on () clust         drag         is_last         ) select w.seq orgseq  -- results, please ...         , w.stamp         , g0.clust clust         , row_number() over(www) rn         , s.setnum, s.arr bike_set         drag w         join sets s on s.arr = w.arr         join top g0 on g0.nseq <= w.seq         join bot g1 on g1.nseq >= w.seq , g1.clust = g0.clust         window www (partition g1.clust order w.stamp)         order g1.clust, w.stamp         ; 


 orgseq |        stamp        | clust | rn | setnum | bike_set  --------+---------------------+-------+----+--------+----------       1 | 2016-05-28 11:00:00 |     1 |  1 |      1 | {1,2}       4 | 2016-05-28 11:00:20 |     3 |  1 |      1 | {1,2}       5 | 2016-05-28 11:00:25 |     3 |  2 |      1 | {1,2}       6 | 2016-05-28 11:00:05 |     4 |  1 |      3 | {1,2,3}       7 | 2016-05-28 11:00:10 |     4 |  2 |      3 | {1,2,3}       8 | 2016-05-28 11:00:10 |     4 |  3 |      2 | {4,5} (6 rows) 


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