amazon ec2 - How can I start an instance from the new EC2 CLI? -

i have ec2 micro instance. can start console, ssh (using .pem file) , visit website hosts.

using old ec2 cli, can start instance , perform other actions including ssh , website access.

i having trouble new ec2 cli. when "aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids i-xxx" message "a client error (invalidinstanceid.notfound) occurred when calling startinstances operation: instance id 'i-xxx' not exist".

clearly instance exists, don't message indicating.

here of thinking:

  1. one difference between old , new cli the later used .pem files whereas new interface uses access key pairs. instance has access key pair associated is, have tried credentials can find, , none of them change anything).

  2. i tried created iam user , new access key pair it. behavior in cases unchanged (start console or old cli, web access, ssh) not using new cli.

  3. i realize there means updating access key pairs detaching volume (as described here), process looks little scary me.

  4. i realize can clone instance image, image little out of date, , don't want lose changes.

can suggest message means , can around problem?

the problem had credentials. had correct environment variables (aws_access_key , aws_secret_key) set. didn't match in .aws/credentials file. is, despite says here, new cli worked when had environment variables , credentials file correct , in sync.


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