visual studio 2015 - DEP6701: The system cannot find the path specified 'Bin\ARM\dbghelp.dll While deploying UWP app to Win10 mobile -

how started

everything working fine. yesterday, installed xamarin in visual studio 2015 , while installation took in latest updates. , on started facing errors.


dep6701 : bootstrapping failed unexpected error: 'the system cannot find path specified 'bin\arm\dbghelp.dll'.'.

enter image description here

what tried

i downloaded windows 10 sdk , installer folder ran following .msi files

  1. sdk debuggers-x86_en-us.msi
  2. x64 debuggers , tools-x64_en-us.msi
  3. x86 debuggers , tools-x86_en-us.msi

also have tried solve making 'arm' directory , putting 'dbghelp.dll' inside bin directory of project.

but none of above helped.

please note

i using windows 10 mobile. developer mode on on phone. additionally have turned radio buttons related usb , network discovery. project universal app apache cordova.

ipoverusbsvc running on pc.

my vs 2015 config enter image description here

anyone knows how solve it?

thank you.

i ran project on side , started process monitor tool check how dbghelp.dll involved during debugging on phone device.

then got following: enter image description here

visual studio tried windows phone sdk folder registry , access dbghelp.dll under sdk folder "c:\program files (x86)\windows phone kits\8.1\bin\arm\dbghelp.dll" on side.

so think error message got means cannot find file in above path. can if path exists on machine , whether registry key targets correct path.

i suggest go control panel modify visual studio 2015 installation uninstall windows sdk sdk 8.1. after completes, can reselect components again reinstallation.

p.s. on visual studio 2015 update 2 latest update.


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