angularjs - systemjs-builder: Angular 2 Component Relative Paths cause 404 errors -

this cross post

i'm trying bundle angular 2 rc 1 app systemjs-builder 0.15.16 buildstatic method. angular component has view 1 or more stylesheets external script. referred within @component metadata in one of 2 ways

using absolute paths:

@component({   templateurl: 'app/some.component.html',   styleurls:  ['app/some.component.css'] }) 

using recommended relative paths:

@component({   moduleid:,   templateurl: 'some.component.html',   styleurls:  ['some.component.css'] }) 

my app uses relative paths, , things have been working fine. today decided use systemjs-builder's buildstatic. resulting file throws 404 errors whenever there relative path because browser fetching localhost/some.component.html instead of localhost/app/some.component.html. below relevant part of gulpfile.js

var appdev = 'dev/'; var appprod = 'app/'; var typescript = require('gulp-typescript'); var tsproject = typescript.createproject('tsconfig.json'); var builder = require('systemjs-builder'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');  gulp.task('build-ts', function () {     return gulp.src(appdev + '**/*.ts')         .pipe(sourcemaps.init())         .pipe(typescript(tsproject))         .pipe(sourcemaps.write())         .pipe(gulp.dest(appprod)); }); gulp.task('bundle',['build-ts'], function() {      var builder = new builder('', './systemjs.config.js');      return builder         .buildstatic(appprod + '/main.js', appprod + '/bundle.js', { minify: false, sourcemaps: true})         .then(function() {             console.log('build complete');         })         .catch(function(err) {             console.log('build error');             console.log(err);         }); }); 

with relative paths, if run build-ts gulp task , browse "regular" way, things work. if run bundle gulp task , try browse app using bundle.js file, 404 errors occur wherever app tries load external templates , stylesheets. i've tried explicit relative nature of paths changing templateurl: 'some.component.html' templateurl: './some.component.html' no effect. hard-coding absolute paths everywhere seems bad idea. missing?

after couple of days got a helpful response systemjs member on github.

what did trick: in configuration object systemjs-builder's buildstatic method, set encodenames false. line...

.buildstatic(     appprod + '/main.js',      appprod + '/bundle.js',      { minify: false, sourcemaps: true} ) 


.buildstatic(     appprod + '/main.js',      appprod + '/bundle.js',      { minify: false, sourcemaps: true, encodenames:false} ) 

additional info


{   "compileroptions": {     "target": "es5",     "module": "commonjs",     "moduleresolution": "node",     "sourcemap": true,     "emitdecoratormetadata": true,     "experimentaldecorators": true,     "removecomments": false,     "noimplicitany": false,     "outdir": "./app"   },   "filesglob": [     "./dev/**/*.ts",     "!./node_modules/**/*.ts"   ],   "exclude": [     "node_modules",     "typings"   ] } 


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