user input - Inputting different variable types in one time in Java -

i made calculator in c++ , i'm trying recreate mirror-like in java.

there 2 double variables(double a , double b)for 2 operands , char(char op) put in if cycle, instace if op = '+' cout << << op << b << "=" << a+b << endl;.

so write 12+2 in console prompt , see 12+2=14 output.

now in java have 1 per line:

    scanner scin = new scanner(;         system.out.println("operation>");         = scin.nextdouble();         op =;         b = scin.nextdouble(); 

and have write value , press return each time. how can input in 1 time c++, , maybe in 1 line of code? in advance.

you can't read in multiple variables @ once using scanner, have read them in 1 @ time. however, there nice way allow inputs occur without hitting enter each time or inputting space: set different delimiter! default delimiter whitespace (which includes newlines), set word boundary \b regex.

scanner in = new scanner("\\b|\\s+"); 

now can read in 12+2 , split next calls want them, or can continue hit enter, or can put spaces between values. choice :d

to restore delimiter normal afterwards, use in.reset().

edit: keep word boundary splitting input @ decimal point, use pattern:



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