regex - Why this apache rewrite fail? -

i'm using vbulletin 5 , routes requests index.php using rule

# main redirect     rewritecond %{request_uri} !\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css)$     rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f     rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d     rewriterule ^(.*)$ index.php?routestring=$1 [l,qsa] 

it working fine had weird issue .. when click url contating arabic letter "م" redirect fails , 404 ( apache not vbulletin )

for example http://localhost/vb5/forum/main-forum/27-مدرسة solved issue replacing rule

rewriterule ^(.*)$ index.php?routestring=$1 [l,qsa] 


rewriterule ^([^.]+) index.php?routestring=$1 [l,qsa] 

and working fine .. i'm curious know why first 1 not working in scenario !


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