pip - How to install a Python wheel under an alternative package name? (in my specific case, PyCryptodome under the "Cryptodome" package name) -

the installation information page of pycryptodome says following under "windows (pre-compiled)" section:

  1. install pycryptodome wheel:

pip install pycryptodomex

  1. to make sure works fine, run test suite:

python -m cryptodome.selftest

there several problems though:

  1. contrary these instructions say, not install pycryptodome wheel, rather download , try build it, resulting in error if don't have correct build environment installed c components included in package (and entire mess related biggest benefit of using wheel instead begin with).

  2. even if instead download correct wheel file pycryptodome's pypi page, must (as far know?) instead use command-line follows install it:

pip install c:\some\path\name-of-wheel-file.whl

this in turn makes install under default "crypto" package instead of "cryptodome" package explicitly mentioned in instructions (and therefore colliding in breaking fashion pre-existing installations of pycrypto package).

so, question is:

is there way install wheel file under different package name default one?

pycryptodome not seem provide specific wheel files installing under alternative package name, if impossible, have big problem (because have pycrypto installed). :-(

ps. more context regarding need alternative package name can provided following quote same installation page linked above:

pycryptodome can used as:

1. drop-in replacement old pycrypto library. install with:

pip install pycryptodome

in case, modules installed under crypto package. can test right with:

python -m crypto.selftest

one must avoid having both pycrypto , pycryptodome installed @ same time, interfere each other.

this option therefore recommended when sure whole application deployed in virtualenv.

2. library independent of old pycrypto. install with:

pip install pycryptodomex

you can test right with:

python -m cryptodome.selftest

in case, modules installed under cryptodome package. pycrypto , pycryptodome can coexist.

so, again, want install described under alternative 2 in quote, wheel file, problem provided wheel files seem default package name described under alternative 1 in quote (i.e. "crypto").

as far know not possible. way achieve recompiling wheel after modified name in setup.py.


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