javascript - Prevent shaking on hard scroll while animating scrollTop -

i scrolling section section, if scroll harshly mouse (not 1 easy scroll) or scroll harshly on laptop touchpad, shakes , down before scrolling animation starts or jumps 2 sections!

is possible make scroll smoothly , 1 section (not jump 2 sections) regardless of how hard scrolls , disable scrolling while animation taking place?

my code (jsfiddle):

var isanimated = false;  var nbhdlength = $('.nbhd').length;  var lastsectionid = nbhdlength - 1;  var allheight = (nbhdlength - 1) * window.innerheight;  var = true;    function setheights() {    $('.nbhd').css('height', window.innerheight);  }    setheights();    $('html').mousewheel(function(e) {      var = e.deltay > 0;      if (up) {      console.log('up');      = true;      } else {      console.log('down');      = false;      // console.log(up);    }        if (!up && $('#id' + lastsectionid).hasclass('scrolledto') || (!up && !$('.scrolledto').length)) {      $('.scrolledto').removeclass('scrolledto');      return;    }      if (isanimated) return;    isanimated = true;      var currentsectionid = $('.nbhd.scrolledto').data('id');      ? currentsectionid-- : currentsectionid++;      if (currentsectionid < 0) currentsectionid = 0;      if (!$('.scrolledto').length) currentsectionid = lastsectionid;      $('.scrolledto').removeclass('scrolledto');      var section = $('#id' + currentsectionid);      section.addclass('scrolledto');      var pos = section.offset().top;      $('body, html').animate({      scrolltop: pos    }, 1000, function() {      settimeout(function() {        isanimated = false;      }, 100)      console.log($(window).scrolltop());    });    });
.div {    width: 100%;  }  .red {    background: red;  }  .yellow {    background: yellow;  }  .green {    background: green;  }  .blue {    background: blue;  }  .abovefooter {    background: gray;    height: 200px;  }  .footer {    background: black;    height: 350px;  }
<script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>      <div id="id0" data-id="0" class="nbhd red scrolledto"></div>  <div id="id1" data-id="1" class="nbhd yellow"></div>  <div id="id2" data-id="2" class="nbhd green"></div>  <div id="id3" data-id="3" class="nbhd blue"></div>  <div class="abovefooter"></div>  <div class="footer"></div>

you need prevent default mousewheel event happening, using javascript perform desired effect instead.

$('html').mousewheel(function(e) {    e.preventdefault();    //... } 



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