c# - Removing Default Properties in Serilog Output -

in serilog output in file, see default is

{     "timestamp": "2016-05-28t21:21:59.0932348+08:00",     "level": "information",     "messagetemplate": "processed {@number} records in {@time} ms",     "properties": {         "number": 500,         "time": 120     } } 

is there way remove timestamp, level, messagetemplate, , properties i"m left only

{     "number": 500,     "time": 120 } 

the log.logger assigned such

        log.logger = new loggerconfiguration()             .writeto.sink(new filesink(configurationmanager.appsettings["serilogpath"], new jsonformatter(), null))             .createlogger(); 


from looking @ source code, doesn't jsonformatter supports skipping default properties. create own itextformatter you're looking for. here's quick example (that should not used in production because doesn't escaping -- it's demo purposes):

public class soformatter : itextformatter {     public void format(logevent logevent, textwriter output)     {         output.write("{");         foreach (var p in logevent.properties)         {             output.write("\"{0}\" : {1}, ", p.key, p.value);         }         output.write("}");     } } 


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