jquery - Javascript code to fade the output after 1 second -

i trying display dimensions of window , able it:

all want fade output text after 1 second after resize happened; possible?

$(window).on('resize', showsize); showsize(); function showsize() {     $('#size').html($(window).height() + 'px x ' + $(window).width() + 'px'); 


  $(window).on('resize', showsize);   showsize();   function showsize() {     $('#size').show(); // show     $('#size').html($(window).height() + 'px x ' + $(window).width() + 'px');     settimeout(function(){         $('#size').fadeout(); // hide after 1 second     }, 1000);   } 

updated fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/r1vmjxx9/2/


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