javascript - Why is my Material Design collapsible list expandable animation not working? -

i'm using material design on website , have sort of comment section made collapsible list. want user able open several comments setting collapsible mode 'expandable'. want sliding animation open new comment not work. displays comment whitout animations. if want close (by clicking it), slides again.

so slides (when closing), not down (when opening).

example: expandable list @ bottom of this page.

as can see, have collapsible list expandable. (i'm using razor dynamiclly set content)


<ul class="collapsible" data-collapsible="expandable">     @foreach (var item in model)     {         <li>             <div class="collapsible-header">                 //comment preview , date here...             </div>             <div class="collapsible-body">                 //display comment text etc here...             </div>          </li>     } </ul> 

and js initialization in document ready function. i've tried change accordion 'true' , animation works perfectly. tried set 'expandable = true', i'm sure if thing.


$('.collapsible').collapsible({     accordion: false  }); 

i appreciate help. task exam it's bit important :)

the manual/example clear. firstly: when js running? it's inside doc ready event? , if check out example content of li divided header , body. example miss that.


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