Converting DOS text files to Unicode using Python -

i trying write python application converting old dos code page text files unicode equivalent. now, have done before using turbo pascal creating look-up table , i'm sure same can done using python dictionary. question is: how index dictionary find character want convert , send equivalent unicode unicode output file?

i realize may repeat of similar question nothing searched here quite matches question.

python has codecs conversions:

#!python3  # test file bytes 0-255. open('dos.txt','wb') f:     f.write(bytes(range(256)))  # read file , decode using code page 437 (dos oem-us). # write file utf-8 encoding ("unicode" not encoding) # utf-8, utf-16, utf-32 encodings support unicode codepoints.  open('dos.txt',encoding='cp437') infile:     open('unicode.txt','w',encoding='utf8') outfile:         outfile.write( 


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