xtify reactor onBeforeMessage is not working -

i using reactor http://getreactor.xtify.com/ on backbone application , trying build custom inbox box. use auto-run="false" config param. define function onbeforemessage

reactor.onbeforemessage(function(message){ console.log('new message'); }); 

this function of times been called other not. first question why onbeforemessage triggered although specify auto-run="false" ? second question why onbeforemessage not triggered ?

you'll need use:


instead of:


the 'data-' prefix the html5 way store metadata on html element.

you can see js fiddle in-depth explanation of how implement custom inbox here:


note function register reactor.onbeforemessage() accepts list of messages have been triggered rather single message. can see more documentation here:



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