tcp - How can I specify the port range for OpenMPI to use? -

i'm using open mpi 1.6.5 run openfoam in parallel on 3 nodes. i'm allowed open few tcp ports security reasons. opened ports 49990-50009 open mpi , set values in openmpi-mca-params.conf follows:

btl_tcp_port_min_v4=49990     btl_tcp_port_range_v4=10    oob_tcp_static_ports=50000-50009  

when ran mpirun, got message:

mca_oob_tcp_init: unable create ipv4 listen socket: unable open tcp socket out-of-band communications. 

did miss something? how can set mpi run range of ports?

the value of oob_tcp_static_ports should comma-separated list of specific ports used, not range of ports. set port range tcp oob, assign oob_tcp_dynamic_ports instead.

note port numbers (also tcp btl) affect listening sockets, i.e. incoming connections. connection initiator side uses whatever port number os binds socket to.

reference - the open mpi user's mailing list.


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