ruby on rails - Preventing ActionView::MissingTemplate in a Backend-only (API) application? -

my backend api-only application responding clients restclient::internalservererror: 500 internal server error because of following code ( , there being no templates render ).

def create     @project = project.create(params.require(:project).permit(:name))     @project.update_attributes(key: devise.friendly_token)      respond_to |format|         format.html         format.json { render json: @project }     end end 

current solution:

based on rails guide layouts , rendering, can prevented using render json: @project


the ask:

but want give client option of format, respond_to block more ideal choice.

is there way combine these use first block not result in 500 error?

thanks kindly.

what should user see if asks html response?

  • if requests should handled js, take out whole respond_to structure.
  • if html should something, must create view return or render (or render nothing: true).
  • if want return better error, remove html part, way user receive 406 not acceptable.


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