python - "Sound of sorting" -

i writing small program in python 2.7.10 pygame. im using multithreading play sounds (with winsound) , still draw things fast. trying replicate similar idea of videos saw on youtube of sorting algorithms. unfortunately runs 10 seconds randomly crashes, sounds keep going pygame window goes not responding , drawing not change. if put print "hi" in code somewhere still printing in console pygame still have gone not responding. cant think of whats wrong may multithreading (im new it!)

from random import randint import pygame,winsound,threading,time pygame.locals import * screen=pygame.display.set_mode([1000,500]) def bubblesort(listname):     sorting=true     while sorting:          listchanged=false         in range(len(listname)-1):             draw(listname,1000/len(listname),500/11,i)              if listname[i] < listname[i+1]:                 listname[i],listname[i+1]=listname[i+1],listname[i]                 threading.thread(target=playsound,args=([listname[i]])).start()                 listchanged=true         if not listchanged:             sorting=false             time.sleep(10)             pygame.quit()  def playsound(frequency):     winsound.beep(frequency*100,100)     def draw(listname,width,height,comparing):     print "hi"     screen.fill([0,0,0])     in range(len(listname)):         if == comparing or == comparing+1:             pygame.draw.rect(screen,[0,255,0],[width*(len(listname)-i),500-(height*listname[i]),width,500])         else:             pygame.draw.rect(screen,[255,255,255],[width*(len(listname)-i),500-(height*listname[i]),width,500])     event in pygame.event.get():         if event.type == quit:             pygame.quit()     pygame.display.update()       list1=[] in range(100):     list1.append(randint(1,10))  threading.thread(target=bubblesort,args=([list1])).start() 


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