mysql - Join query is going wrong -

i have 2 tables: first travellers_details , second user_info.

  • traveller_details table has columns id, travel_mode, dep_from, arr_to, dep_date, user_id , status.
  • user_info table has columns user_id, first_name, last_name, email.

i want records of both table join user_id , wrote following query not correct:

$sql="select * `traveller_details` full outer join `user_info` on traveller_details.user_id=user_info.user_id traveller_details.dep_from='".$this->from."' , traveller_details.arr_to='".$this->to."' , traveller_details.dep_date='".$this->sending_date."' , traveller_details.status='n'"; 

mysql doesn't support full outer join, query doesn't work. suspect left join sufficient:

select * `traveller_details` td left outer join      `user_info` ui      on td.user_id = ui.user_id  td.dep_from = '".$this->from."' ,       td.arr_to = '".$this->to."' ,       td.dep_date = '".$this->sending_date."' ,       td.status = 'n'"; 

if travelers have valid user info, inner join sufficient.

note table aliases make query easier write , read.


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