html - How to make a css media query snippet in ATOM editor -

i have started exploring atom again after break of year , less buggy now, exploring making snippets parts , going through this piece of documentation,

now on how make css snippet , of course tried same syntax used fot js snippets , had css snippet looked following in snippets file:

'.source.css':    'css-media':      'prefix': 'css-media'      'body': '@media (min-width:$1) {           $2       }' 

the problem above gives me following output:

@media (min-width:) {  } 

rather then:

@media (min-width:) {   } 

now did go through few css packages online this one , did't find example of making media query snippet in atom. can tell me how can right ?

see bottom of page linked:

you can use multi-line syntax using """ larger templates

so template should be

'.source.css':    'css-media':      'prefix': 'css-media'      'body': """@media (min-width:$1) {           $2       }""" 


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