cordova - App does not appear in Android emulator -

i creating phonegap app using webstorm (phonegap/cordova app) on mac. problem have app not appear in android emulator. emulator appears screen word "android" not change reveal app:

enter image description here

i have followed instructions on cordova site android setup on mac:

enter image description here

this emulator setup:

enter image description here

i have tried activating , deactivating "use host gpu" per answers , comments question no use - android emulator shows nothing except black screen , adb devices shows "device offline"

the app appears , works correctly when choose "browser" platform in configuration:

enter image description here

any ideas else need do?

edit 1: log information when running in verbose mode suggested @dar

running command: /users/username/documents/projects/harkme/platforms/browser/cordova/run --emulator

static file server running @ http://localhost:8000/index.html

ctrl + c shut down


java_home=/system/library/java/javavirtualmachines/1.6.0.jdk/contents/home > no emulator specified, defaulting avd_for_galaxy_nexus_by_google

waiting emulator...

emulator: warning: vm heap size set below hardware specified minimum of 128mb

emulator: warning: setting vm heap size 256mb

hax enabled

hax ram_size 0x40000000

hax working , emulator runs in fast virt mode.

console on port 5554, adb on port 5555

edit 2:

enabling haxm mentioned @dar speeds emulator extent "android" page disappears after few seconds show desktop app not installed. however, found if dragged app build folder onto desktop app installed. app file (android-debug.apk) located in:


this procedure (accidentally) improved workflow build app , drag onto emulator instead of doing phonegap/cordova run webstorm after making changes test app.

i changed emulator setup this:

enter image description here

edit 3:

sometimes when launching emulator following error appears

unknown hax vcpu return 1

if continues so, way round it, @ moment, restart mac, suggested here -

sorry, supposed sort of comment still don't have enough points so.

i cannot go further following instructions without knowing emulator logging behind scenes.

do update if will.

please try following in terminal. have not used webstorm personally, documentation says terminal available use within ide.

this assuming developing cordova. if used ionic or phonegap, please change command accordingly.

  1. cordova build emulator --verbose

check whether application builds or not.

  1. cordova run emulator --verbose

check whether emulator defines properties, builds application , deploys emulator.

another problem is taking long load emulator. may suggest install haxm in android sdk manager. haxm stands intel hardware accelerated execution manager. boost emulator performance in terms of speed.

also, maybe can try input value in sd card size. maybe 512 mib enough.

if else fails, delete emulator , create new one. target emulator using cordova run android --target=emulatorname

again, if able provide log information, please update.


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