c# - How to display vlc video from small screen to another vlc big screen "vlcplugin21" -

i'm trying display video in big screen when click on button "view video" after loaded windows in small screen via vlc player "vlcplugin21" in windows form application

the following code load video windows , display via vlc player:

    public void readvlc1()     {         ofd.filter = "all files (*.*) | *.*";         if (ofd.showdialog() == dialogresult.ok)         {             vlc1.playlist.items.clear();             vlc1.playlist.add("file:///" + ofd.filename,ofd.safefilename, null);                           txt_videoname.text = ofd.safefilename;          }     } 

i want click on button example "view video in full screen" , display same video big vlc screen.

any help??


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