Reading Many CSV Files at the Same Time in R and Combining All into one dataframe -

i have 20 .csv files , of them have equal number of row/col (1 row , 42 columns). want make dataframe out of them , have each csv file 1 row of dataframe , have name of csv file row name. possible this?

to illustrate example:

a.csv 10 21 32 45  b.csv 33 45 93 90  c.csv 12 93 na 21 

resulting dataframe looking be:

a 10 21 32 45 b 33 45 93 90 c 12 93 na 21 

both data.table (rbindlist) , dplyr (bind_rows) have functions this. preferred solution use readr::read_csv dplyr::bind_rows this:

library(readr) library(dplyr)  bind_rows(   lapply(     list.files(       "path/to/csv_files",        pattern = ".csv",        full.names = true     ),      read_csv,      header = false,      na_strings = c("na")   ) ) 


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