osx - IntelliJ idea OS X weird color transformation -

on os x 10.11 , intellij 15, colors affected color profile set in display preferences on os x. weird becasue on sublime text, clion , webstorm colors arent affected, , have same monokai theme ported across them. have solution this? when set profile apple rgb colors same in intellij but, want use callibrated profile.

when using profile , using os x color picker, backgorund in sublime 39, 40, 34, , intellij 52,53,46 ( i.e. multiplied ~4/3) in intellij preferences there 39, 40, 34.

could tell me why multiplies colors 4/3, , how turn off?

intellij idea 15 runs on apple jdk 6 default. apple jdk 6 renders graphics through quartz, applies gamma correction output. newer versions of intellij idea run on openjdk 8, uses opengl , not apply additional gamma correction.


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