Manually convert XML SOAP response into PHP array -

i'm trying convert xml soap response php array, here xml soap response:

string(1182) "<auctionlist isvalid="true" totalrecords="90">                 <auction id="112906125" name="" traffic="0" bidcount="0" price="$11 usd" valuationprice="-" timeleft="17m 9s" rowid="1"/>                 <auction id="112557715" name="" traffic="0" bidcount="0" price="$8 usd" valuationprice="-" timeleft="18m 9s" rowid="2"/>                 <auction id="101835614" name="" traffic="20" bidcount="0" price="$25 usd" valuationprice="-" timeleft="24m 9s" rowid="3"/>                 <auction id="112573759" name="" traffic="2" bidcount="0" price="$5 usd" valuationprice="-" timeleft="28m 9s" rowid="4"/>                 <auction id="112648957" name="" traffic="7" bidcount="0" price="$8 usd" valuationprice="-" timeleft="41m 9s" rowid="5"/>             </auctionlist>"  

this response result of godaddy auction api domain details.

i have tried parse string getting errors:

warning: simplexml_load_string(): namespace warning : xmlns: uri gdauctionsbiddingwsapi not absolute in c:\xampp\htdocs\adam_auction\index.php on line 94  warning: simplexml_load_string():"><getauctionlist2response xmlns="gdauctionsbiddingwsapi" in c:\xampp\htdocs\adam_auction\index.php on line 94  warning: simplexml_load_string(): ^ in c:\xampp\htdocs\adam_auction\index.php on line 94 object(simplexmlelement)#1 (1) { ["getauctionlist2response"]=> object(simplexmlelement)#2 (1) { ["getauctionlist2result"]=> string(768) "" } } 

any how convert response php array?

try this

<?php  $xml = simplexml_load_string(your xml response);  $auction = $xml->auction; foreach($auction $auc) { $short_name[] =  $auc['name'];   } echo "<pre>"; print_r($short_name);  ?> 


array (     [0] => simplexmlelement object         (             [0] =>         )      [1] => simplexmlelement object         (             [0] =>         )      [2] => simplexmlelement object         (             [0] =>         )      [3] => simplexmlelement object         (             [0] =>         )      [4] => simplexmlelement object         (             [0] =>         )  ) 


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