javascript - Using replace() on decoded URI hex codes with native division operator -

building calculator.

var process = "6÷6";  // need replace division sign 1 javascript can evaluate process = encodeuri(process); process.replace(/%c3%b7/gi,'/'); // replacement step doesn't work - %c3%b7 shows hex divison sign in chrome debugger, not sure why process = decodeuri(process); result = eval(process); 

the third line of code wrong. have assign return value of replace function variable. easiest way assign itself:

process = process.replace(/%c3%b7/gi,'/'); 

so whole script code this:

var process = "6÷6";  // need replace division sign 1 javascript can evaluate process = encodeuri(process); process = process.replace(/%c3%b7/gi,'/'); // replacement step works process = decodeuri(process); result = eval(process); 


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