javascript - Different design desktop/mobile devices -

i hope there answer question. i'm not @ codeing , hope understand question.

is there way have 2 different designs.. have design desktop/ipad , 1 mobile devices. 1 mobile device more design of application. want if javascript code find out website opened on mobile device, website turn version mobile device.

for example: desktop/ipad version index.html , mobile version mobile.html

is there way make javascript code go mobile version if

if(!is_mobile) { (function(xxxxx) { xxxxxx }

the following javascript code useful:

function adjuststyle(){      var width = 0;      //getting width of webpage     if(window.innerheight){          width = window.innerwidth      }else if(document.documentelement &&    document.documentelement.clientheight){          width = document.documentelement.clientwidth;      }else if(document.body){          width = document.body.clientwidth;      }       //loading css if width less 600. make sure link tag has id  "mycss"     if(width < 600) {          document.getelementbyid("mycss").setattribute("href","css/mobile.css")      }else{          document.getelementbyid("mycss").setattribute("href","css/desktop.css")      }   }   //calling function  window.onresize = function(){       adjuststyle();  } 


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