javascript - Combine each element of a string with the second string -

i have 2 strings

[a,b,c]  //there number of items in these 2 strings [x,y,z] 

i want output this

a[x,y,z] b[x,y,z] c[x,y,z] 

not quite able logic output.

to array use map()

var s1 = '[a,b,c]',    s2 = '[x,y,z]';  console.log(    s1    .slice(1, -1) // remove `[` , `]`    .split(',') // split based on `,`    .map(function(a) { // iterate , generate array      return + s2;    })  )

to string use reduce()

var s1 = '[a,b,c]',    s2 = '[x,y,z]';  console.log(    s1    .slice(1, -1) // remove `[` , `]`    .split(',') // split based on `,`    .reduce(function(a, b) { // iterate , generate string      return + (a.length ? '\n' : ' ') + b + s2;    }, '')  )


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