javascript - Add dynamic input field in ajax -

is there way put dynamic input inside ajax? using hayageek jquery file upload. wanted add input hidden inside form upload replacing file. appreciated.

the div handles upload: <div id="replacefile">upload</div>

i wanted put: <input type="text" name="replace">

$("#replacefile").uploadfile({     url            : newurl,     filename       : "myfile",     returntype     : "json",     dragdrop       : true,     showfilecounter: false, // show numbered list of file     allowduplicates: false,     multiple       : true, //allow multiple file upload     showfilesize   : false, // show file size     acceptfiles    : "doc,pdf",     onsuccess      : function(files,data,xhr,pd) {      // success      },     onerror        : function() {      // error     }   }); 

$("#replacefile").uploadfile({     url            : newurl,     filename       : "myfile",     returntype     : "json",     dragdrop       : true,     showfilecounter: false, // show numbered list of file     allowduplicates: false,     multiple       : true, //allow multiple file upload     showfilesize   : false, // show file size     acceptfiles    : "doc,pdf",     onsuccess      : function(files,data,xhr,pd) {      // success           var input=$('<input type="text" name="replace">');         $('#replacefile').find('form').append(input);     },     onerror        : function() {      // error     }   }); 


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