java - Migrate EMF / GMF based eclipse 3 plugins to RCP -

some time ago created graphical editor gmf ( xsd->ecore->emf->gmf). additionally created plugins different views, launchers (debugger) , more.

all plugins created eclipse helios.

now, create rcp application out of plugins. did lot of internet research still not understand how begin.

i read tutorial ( still not sure do. if told in tutorial, have build windows, editors, menus , on manually, correct ?

and if so, how default eclipse features in rcp application, like: create empty project, starting "new diagram" wizard, double click diagram file in project view open editor...and on...

do have build features manually application model file ??

i use pointers right direction.

thanks in advance!

the tutorial have found describing new e4 api. not support lot of older 3.x compatibility apis not suitable using build rcp uses plugins based on 3.x. e4 api building new rcps don't use 3.x plugins.

instead can still build 3.x style rcp, see this tutorial more details on doing that. 3.x style rcp continue supported long time.


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